Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cigar for fashion?

I CANNOT comprehend when this started. Or who started it. Does it look appealing? NO. NOT TO ME. And it doesn't really make sense. Why does it have to be part of a fashion photo or whatever photo. Anything for fashion, as they say. It really does fit the aura of the photo but really? Is it really necessary? Wouldn't it be nicer if they would just let their model hold it and make the photo appear that "she is about to smoke" shot? I actually think it's better that way. 

I don't want to assume that this lady or any models in that sense don't smoke so it's not about I'm gonna be a health doctor here. But I'm just saying. I'm probably just bothered by it because I'm thinking of those models who doesn't smoke in real life. Thinking about it, if someone smokes in real life, then instructed to smoke for a photo, SO WHAT? Right? Unless I'm around them and I can breathe the second hand smoke of their cigar. But that's another story. It's not like I can breathe in the second smoke from their photo, right?


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